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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Info Post

8 Health Benefits of Laughter

Laughter is a common human experience. Moreover, expression of joy has medical benefits that is healing. Even beneficial for beauty.

While laughing off, all elements of body is active starting from the ears, the brain, to the muscles and joints of the body. In this condition, the body secretes the hormone dopamine, triggering a sense of happiness, which soon spread to the entire network.

Here are 8 health benefits of laughter :

1. Burn the Calories

Laugh out loud for 10 to 15 minutes can increase energy expenditure, increase heart rate, and can burn up to 40 calories. But this is not a weight loss method.

2. Make You Feel Better

Laughter increases the levels of endorphins that reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. Even just by watching a comedy show, the effect can last up to 24 hours.

3. Improving Psychological

A sense of humor someone can make up his communication skills, creativity and overall performance in the workplace. The ability to appreciate humor or the ability to make others laugh, actually has a psychological effect on the body that cause people getting emotionally attached.

4. Increasing Expectations and Self-esteem

By simply watching a comedy for 15 minutes can reduce concerns about health or career. Laughter can replace negative thoughts with positive ones and help formulate a plan to resolve the problem.

This can increase feelings, life expectancy and self-esteem because it can overcome the burden of mind more easily.

5. Protects against Heart Disease

Research shows that a good sense of humor can avoid you from the risk of heart attack. Laughter can widen blood vessels so that blood flows more freely.

In addition, laughing can reduce the fat and cholesterol that builds up in the coronary arteries that can protect the heart.

6. Broaden Your Mind

Happiness and laughter because a funny thing can reduce the narrowness of views on an issue and make you think from a broader perspective.

7. Helping Children bear the Pain

Watching a funny cartoon can help children overcome the pain of painful procedures, such as injections immunization or dental examinations. Children can quickly forget the pain when looking at the funny things he likes.

8. Strengthens the Immune System

Stress hormones are reduced during laughter, allowing immune cells to function better. Laughter also promote the exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide so that helps clear the airways.

Laughter also can promote the muscles and joints that have been strained due to the severity of work.


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