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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Info Post

How to Recognize the Signs of Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer that occurs in the blood-forming cells that cause is not known and has the typical symptoms since the first time this has happened. Recognize the symptoms early on to get a faster diagnosis before the cancer spread and be fatal.

Mostly, leukemia affects white blood cells of a person but some types of leukemia begins in blood cells as well. Some bone cancer has symptoms similar to leukemia, but not entirely the same.

Here are 7 signs or symptoms of leukemia :

1. Fatigue

If you are easy to feel tired even though not doing strenuous activities, this may be caused by leukemia. Increased production of white blood cells can cause energy rapidly depleted.

2. Losing Weight

Symptoms of leukemia was also shown by body weight suddenly dropped dramatically even though one does not change the pattern of the daily diet. This is because the burning of high-level energy that makes a person lose weight if you do not improve your diet.

3. Often Bleeding

People who suffer from leukemia would be easier to bleed despite only minor injuries. Even if only a bruise takes a long time recovery, it could be a symptom of leukemia.

Another sign is the appearance of red dots or tiny purple under your skin called petechiae. Internal bleeding may also occur as bleeding in the stool, mucus, urine, vomit, and semen.

4. Internal Swelling

Symptoms of leukemia may also be characterized by swelling of the lymph nodes under the arms and on the front and back of the neck. Liver and spleen will also swell and cause pain under the rib cage.

5. Sweating at Night

One of the signs of leukemia is always sweating at night. So if you sweat excessively or abnormally at night, you need to be aware of the symptoms of leukemia.

6. Reduced Muscle Control

Difficulty controlling themselves when walking or experience muscle spasms from time to time is one of the symptoms of leukemia. People with leukemia often have trouble controlling the muscles and balance the body.

7. Abnormal Breathing

Shortness of breath and cough in a long period of time and does not heal is also a sign of leukemia.


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