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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Info Post

How to Prevent Flu Singapore

Flu Singapore is a disease that often occurs in tropical areas. Even children become easy targets of this disease. Improve endurance and maintain the cleanliness could be the best solution.

Flu singapore or medically known as hand, foot, and mouth disease, at the beginning of the year had hit a number of children in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Kids are an easy target disease that primarily affects those aged under five years, not least 10-year-old children, even adults can be affected even if the case is very rare. Why?

"Because the immune system and child antibodies that is not perfect. Moreover, if in the neighborhood, there are children who get the flu Singapore, "said Dr. Ratna Kumalasari coaching clinic at the event entitled" Flu Singapore and Relation to Body Immune System" in Kidzania, Pacific Place Jakarta, recently.

He added, immune system acts as the body's defenses when attacked by a virus. Immune system works by inhibiting the proliferation of the virus in the body, suppress and limit the spread, and reduce viral transmission system. Flu Singapore mostly caused by virus Coxsackievirus A16 (most common) and enterovirus 71 (EV71), which can cause serious and fatal complications.

Symptoms of flu singapore include fever about one to two days, loss of appetite, sore throat, tired, and the appearance of red spots in the mouth, feet, hands, knees, or elbows. Rash is different from smallpox. In smallpox, their spots are white, while the flu singapore has red spots. Although the disease can be cured by itself about seven to 10 days, it still required serious attention because if left untreated will be complications.

The incubation period itself, starting from the entry of the virus to cause a rash, take three to five days. This condition is accompanied by a fever of about 38 degrees for three days, then raised red spots. The transmission can be through a rash of fluid if broken, the fluid in the nose, saliva, sneezing, coughing is not closed, urine, and feces. Therefore, need to be maintained so as not to break the red spots to prevent the transmission. Red spots in the mouth and sores that accompany this disease, makes child reluctant to eat.

"But still have to eat. Give orange or other fruit laden vitamin C. Can also milk or fruit juice," said Dr. Rahma Karyanti Mulya SpA of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.

Prevention efforts should be done since childhood, remembering no vaccine for the disease concerned.

One of them is to maintain cleanliness around the house, eating nutritious food and hygiene, washing hands with soap, then wash it with running water. Extra effort needs to be done when there is one member of the house who had the flu singapore. In order to not take further transmission, clean objects or toys that patients hold as possible. And, keep toys or objects out of reach of other children.

Flu Singapore patients is recommended to stay at home until no longer infectious. Transmission, Karyanti said, often occurs in public places, such as playgrounds or daycare. Parents also took part in the transmission of this virus, for example, by letting children do not wash their hands before eating or feeding brothers with the same spoon. Children should have their own tableware.

Another thing that is equally important is keeping the child's immune system. If the immune system is good, viruses, and bacteria can be resisted. Therefore, the importance of improving immunity that are not easily affected by the disease. In healthy people, a strong immune system will prevent disease and in people who have been stricken with the disease, a strengthened immune system will help speed up the healing.

Some ways to increase endurance, by breastfeeding, adequate sleep, vaccination, food intake of nutritious and hygienic, and children away from cigarette smoke exposure. Parents can also provide immunity enhancer vitamins for children.

Flu Singapore was first known to the public in Singapore in 1970, after the outbreak. When that kindergarten children stricken with red spot disease. It is forcing hundreds of kindergartens in Singapore are closed.


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